Changes from Within - A Story of A Cup of Organic Tea 從心開始改變,一杯有機茶的故事:《農產加工不只醬》選摘(3)
Changes from Within - A Story of A Cup of Organic Tea 《It is more than agricultural processes》Excerpt (3)
Source: The Storm Media
Source: The Storm Media
●茶菁採摘後,製作過程中攪拌的力道、溫濕度與時間,將決定茶的發酵程度。After fresh leaves picked, the grade of tea fermentation is decided by the strength of blending,temperature, humidity, and time.
The second generation tea farmer, Cheng Shin-Zhong, used to be a chef. He ate anything he got when he was in the mountain. After he spent more time with Tse-Xin, he stopped the harmful behavior when his friend tried to make a meal out of a wounded deer. Chen Jia-Shan said, “In the past, those wild animals were tasty meat for him and he thought he could get them without any payment”. However, Cheng Shin-Zhong took this wounded deer back to his place and took care of the deer then escorted it to the zoo.
Chen Lu-He, who originally planned to enjoy a leisurely retirement life with his wife, realized the importance of protecting the water source. In addition to his own tea garden, he also rented many traditional tea gardens to do organic, trying to maintain the purity of the land.
Tea farmers have started changing their behaviors, and those aunties who help grass cutting and tea picking are changing as well. Chen Jia-Shan said, tea gardens with conventional farming method wouldn’t have caterpillars and bees...etc. Those aunties rejected organic plantation at the beginning as they got stung frequently. They get immunity and keep tea picking after put on medicine.
By the joint efforts of Tse-Xin associates and tea farmers, tea farms are free from the hazards of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. And the harvested tea leaves were delivered to Tse-Xin Ching Yuan Tea Factory.
●坪林多為手工採茶,須仰賴大批有經驗的採茶工幫忙。慈心協助招集採茶工,因此合作農友不用煩惱缺工的問題。但因應人口老化,也將漸漸改採機械採。 The tea farmers mostly pick tea by hand in Ping-Ling which needs to rely on a lot of experienced workers to help tea picking. Tse-Xin assists recruiting tea picking workers. Therefore, tea farmers don't need to worry about the lack of workers. Tea picking by machine is gradually replacing hand picking in response to the aging population.
Layman Becomes Expert
If organic tea is made with the same set of equipment as conventional tea, there will be a high risk of cross-contamination. It would increase financial burden if tea farmers establish a set of in house tea making equipment. Therefore, Tse-Xin proposed a program of Counseling Organic Tea Production, Promoting Organic Agriculture, and Technologies Exchanging to Agriculture and Food Agency in 2009 and started establishing Ching Yuan Tea Factory.
Chen Shanjia mentioned this story: "We picked tea in April 2009. The tea farm did not complete the installation of the machine and the electrical configuration until the day before the tea picking. I did not go back to the city until 3 o'clock in the morning." People said that he didn’t look like a volunteer when they saw his devotion to this project.
Most employees of Ching Yuan Tea Factory didn’t have experience in making tea in the first year, so Yu San-He started assisting in making tea. By the quantities of fresh tea leaves were increased in the second year, everyone was quite busy at work. Ching Yuan Tea Factory invited other professional tea making experts to come to the factory to provide technical support.
Under professional guidance and learning from experts, Ching Yuan Tea Factory found an applicable method to make organic tea. It would affect tea aroma if moisture evaporation is not satisfactory. The solution was to enhance the process of fermentation to bring out the features of organic tea and to get recognized by consumers. This group of "laymen" that everyone once called has become a reality.
Ching Yuan Tea Factory obtained excellent results from「Organic Paochong Tea Assorting and Grading Evaluation Committee」in recent two years. Tse-Xin Pure Spring Tea of Ching Yuan Tea Factory won 6 Sliver Awards and 10 Bronze Awards standing out from 35 contest points and 18 competitors which was the event of 「2019 Organic Paochong Tea Assorting and Grading Evaluation Committee」 conducted by New Taipei City Government and Liugong Irrigation Association on May 30th, 2019.
In the tea factory, we were also surprised to find two young tea makers who were about 30 years old.
Joint Efforts with Residents to A Pure Land
One was interested in organic tea and being introduced by his friend so he started devoting to tea making; now he has 6 months of experience. Another tea maker is in charge of tea making and he is also the only tea baker in the factory with 6 year tea making experience. Chen Jia-Shan said that making tea should follow the characteristics of tea and then remove those disadvantages of impurity taste. He also shared the feeling of the process of making tea “it is just like a mother takes care of her baby. Although sometimes you don’t watch the baby all the time but the heart is holding there”. It appeared his maturity when he spoke even he was still young at his age. In addition to the participation of young tea masters, there are six second-generation organic tea makers who devote to tea industry in Ping-Ling. Chen Jia-Shan said with satisfaction: “it feels like getting more hopes”.
In order to open up multiple channels, Ching Yuan Tea Factory also produces ball type Oolong tea in addition to Pinglin’s Baozhong tea, which is sold in Lee Zen chain stores and tea shops in various places. Tse-Xin owns qualification by EU organic certification. Ching Yuan Tea Factory started to think about the possibility of exploring international markets when they received orders from France. Apart from this, they expect to establish diverse sales channels in future then to achieve the vision of 「Ching Yuan Project 」. Chen Jia-Shan said, “Tse-Xin comes here to provide advices, and wishes that tea farmers are able to independently manage the business from planting to sales because Tse-Xin cannot be here forever. There are so many projects which need to be developed.
●製茶師與我們分享茶葉風味的語彙,茶香有花香、果香等,花香可細分為:含苞待放、盛開的花.......,果香又分為青果、熟果等。(林寬宏 攝)Tea maker shared with us the meanings of tea aroma, such as floral and fruity...etc. Floral aroma is differentiated from budding, and blooming flowers...; fruity aroma is differentiated from young fruit taste, and mature fruit taste...etc. (photo by: Lin Kuan Hong)
At the end of 2007, when Tse-Xin entered Pinglin to promote organic tea, the organic tea plantation area was only four hectares and there was only one organic tea farmer. After 11 years of hard work, two organic tea production and marketing teams have been established in Pinglin area (33 tea farmers in total, 13 of whom have worked with Tse-Xin), and the organic tea plantation has grown to 60 hectares. Tse-Xin supports manpower, and sales channels to establish a path with sustainable development, with the hope to protect the pure source water in the long term, and also create a sustainable residence for the humans and creatures living on it.
Intellectual Journey to Ching Yuan Tea Factory
Intellectual Journey is conducted every weekend at Ching Yuan Tea Factory. The journey leads people to understand the differences between organic and conventional farming through physical experiencing the journey, and to make them realize how difficult to maintain an ecological organic tea farm. They will cherish the blessings of the land more and realize the impact of the tea farming on water resources.
In the tea farm, everyone wore flower printed cloth and bamboo hat, put on sleeves, picked tea or cut grass, and felt how the hard work that farmer had done. In addition, they visited the process of tea making, made a cup of tea, and tea tasting. To understand the mission of establishing Tse-Xin Pure Spring Tea, the journey of tea making experiences were shared by the tour guide. The whole journey made everyone experience that it needed a lot of people and efforts to make a cup of organic tea, and the precious value of collaborations.
Tse-Xin not only provides technological advices to contracted tea farmers but also assists arranging tea picking workers. For other local individuals or organizations who are friendly toward the lands, Tse-Xin maintains good mutual relationships with them; such as Sanpuku (literally means mountains do not dry out), the brand developed by the Institute of Architecture and Urban-Rural Research of National Taiwan University. It needs more diversified promotional channels to make more people to know about Tse-Xin Ching Yuan Tea in the future.
◆Uphold to the core concepts, recruit partners with same visions, make good use of the organization's resources and expertise, and provide a stable support system for contracted farmers in the long run.
◆Long term and sustainable support system includes: assist farmers in improving field management, develop corresponding tea baking process and equipment, and establish a solid community support network and sales promotion system.
At the end of 2007, when Tse-Xin entered Pinglin to promote organic tea, the organic tea plantation area was only four hectares and there was only one organic tea farmer. After 11 years of hard work, two organic tea production and marketing teams have been established in Pinglin area (33 tea farmers in total, 13 of whom have worked with Tse-Xin), and the organic tea plantation has grown to 60 hectares. Tse-Xin supports manpower, and sales channels to establish a path with sustainable development, with the hope to protect the pure source water in the long term, and also create a sustainable residence for the humans and creatures living on it.
Intellectual Journey to Ching Yuan Tea Factory
Intellectual Journey is conducted every weekend at Ching Yuan Tea Factory. The journey leads people to understand the differences between organic and conventional farming through physical experiencing the journey, and to make them realize how difficult to maintain an ecological organic tea farm. They will cherish the blessings of the land more and realize the impact of the tea farming on water resources.
In the tea farm, everyone wore flower printed cloth and bamboo hat, put on sleeves, picked tea or cut grass, and felt how the hard work that farmer had done. In addition, they visited the process of tea making, made a cup of tea, and tea tasting. To understand the mission of establishing Tse-Xin Pure Spring Tea, the journey of tea making experiences were shared by the tour guide. The whole journey made everyone experience that it needed a lot of people and efforts to make a cup of organic tea, and the precious value of collaborations.
Tse-Xin not only provides technological advices to contracted tea farmers but also assists arranging tea picking workers. For other local individuals or organizations who are friendly toward the lands, Tse-Xin maintains good mutual relationships with them; such as Sanpuku (literally means mountains do not dry out), the brand developed by the Institute of Architecture and Urban-Rural Research of National Taiwan University. It needs more diversified promotional channels to make more people to know about Tse-Xin Ching Yuan Tea in the future.
◆Uphold to the core concepts, recruit partners with same visions, make good use of the organization's resources and expertise, and provide a stable support system for contracted farmers in the long run.
◆Long term and sustainable support system includes: assist farmers in improving field management, develop corresponding tea baking process and equipment, and establish a solid community support network and sales promotion system.