CYTF of the TOAF Welcomed 22 International Agriculture VIP's 慈心淨源茶場喜迎嘉賓 22位國際農業專家蒞臨參訪
Tse-Xin Organic Agriculture Foundation (TOAF) Ching Yuan Tea Factory welcomed 22 international agriculture VIP's.
國際合作發展基金會安排二十餘位國際農業專家學者參訪淨源茶場 促進國際生物多樣性推廣與交流經驗
International Cooperation and Development Fund(ICDF )arranged 20 some international agriculture experts/scholars to visit Ching Yuan Tea Factory to promote international Bio-diversity and exchange experiences.
On 4/23/2019, ICDF arranged 22 participants of agriculture officials and experts came from some 20 countries, such as Fiji Island, Indonesia, Malaysia, Palau, Philippines, Thailand, Solomon Islands, Vietnam, Jordan, Russia, Belize and Brazil to visit TOAF Ching Yuan Tea Factory, which is located at Pinling, Taipei. The purpose of the visit is to understand the relationship between the promotion of green conservation made by TOAF at the watershed of Fei-Tsui reservoir and the local ecological environment. The briefing was made by Dr. Chen Ron-Tson and volunteer Joanne Min of TOAF. The factory’s tea making process was also introduced at the same time. Everyone was deeply impressed by the good impact made onto the eco system services through the promotion of organic farming in the area.
On 4/23/2019, ICDF arranged 22 participants of agriculture officials and experts came from some 20 countries, such as Fiji Island, Indonesia, Malaysia, Palau, Philippines, Thailand, Solomon Islands, Vietnam, Jordan, Russia, Belize and Brazil to visit TOAF Ching Yuan Tea Factory, which is located at Pinling, Taipei. The purpose of the visit is to understand the relationship between the promotion of green conservation made by TOAF at the watershed of Fei-Tsui reservoir and the local ecological environment. The briefing was made by Dr. Chen Ron-Tson and volunteer Joanne Min of TOAF. The factory’s tea making process was also introduced at the same time. Everyone was deeply impressed by the good impact made onto the eco system services through the promotion of organic farming in the area.

●國合會海外學員參訪慈心基金會淨源茶場(國合會提供)。Oversea Participants of ICDF visited TOAF Ching Yuan Tea Factory (Photo provided by ICDF).
慈心有機農業發展基金會陳榮宗博士說明,自 2007 年起,於坪林推動水源區茶園轉作有機農耕的「淨源計畫」,
Dr. Chen of TOAF explained, started in 2007 the Ching Yuan Project was promoting tea plantation of Pinling water source to grow organic. The project was dedicated to counseling tea farmers to transfer into organic farming, and to stream up local farmers to cooperate with each other. Such cooperation was for production technology and to take care of eco conservative alongside with bio-diversification research in the last 2 years. In order to avoid cross contamination of conventional and organic tea leaves, TOAF set up the dedicated Ching Yuan Tea Factory in 2009. In addition to obtaining the Taiwan organic certification, the factory also obtained USDA certification in December 2012. It consumes many roles of concepts advocating, education consoling to the farmers, plantation management, the making and selling of the tea. It has combined the pioneering Ching Yuan project, eco environment education, tea culture experiencing and became a site of environmental education, international friendship and industrial, governmental and academic, a galaxy of advanced culture.

●慈心基金會陳榮宗博士代表致贈淨源茶予國合會海外學員(國合會提供)。Dr. Chen presented Ching Yuan Tea as gifts to the participants on behalf of TOAF (Photo provided by ICDF).
Dr. Chen further explained, for the extensive elevation of the farmers’ knowledge on biodiversity in organic plantations, TOAF worked with Endemic Biological Research and Conservation Center on ecological research survey, they found and recorded mammals (such as bats), birds, amphibian reptiles, butterflies and spiders. In addition, civet cats, Formosan muntjac, Masked palm civet, pangolin and Melogale moschata were also found in the area. Years of the Ching Yuan Project lifted the local consents towards the ecology of water source protection, this also has the benefit of maintaining the biodiversity in the farmland. All these were the reference model for the water source protection area of the national ecological green network. The results were continuously shared by the various seminars, as a representative of Taiwan organic agriculture.
The participants of ICDF also took a tour of the factory and saw the international renowned Taiwan tea making process and experienced the unique tea making process. With the joint efforts of TOAF, famers of Pinling area, tea pickers, professional tea masters, along with the consumers who supported Ching Yuan tea, hopefully all sentient beings can coexist peacefully and share the pure and beautiful environment.

●剛採摘的有機茶葉特有的自然芳香(國合會提供)。The newly picked tea leaves exude special natural flavor (Photo provided by ICDF).

●海外學員在茶場體驗製茶(國合會提供)。Participants getting the hands-on experiencing on tea making (Photo provided by ICDF).

●海外學員詢問淨源茶場的製茶歷程(國合會提供)。Participants inquired about the Tea making process (Photo provided by ICDF).