The CYTF Farmers Won Awards of 2018 Organic Paochong Tea Classified Contest 慈心淨源茶農友參加「2018有機包種茶分級評選會」獲獎

The Farmers of Tse-Xin Ching Yuan Tea Factory, Participated and Won Awards of 2018 Organic Paochong Tea Classified Contest.

慈心淨源茶契作農友參加「2018 有機包種茶分級評選會」 
有機茶導入分級評鑑制度 期盼提升品質和價值
The contracted farmers of Tse-Xin Ching Yuan Tea Factory participated 2018 Organic Paochong Tea Classified Contest.
The organic tea was phased in the classified evaluation program with the hope to enhance its quality and commercial value.

慈心淨源茶契作農友參加由台北市瑠公農業產銷基金會與台北市瑠公農田水利會主辦,農委會茶業改良場文山分場、新北市農業局、淨源茶場等單位共同協辦的「與蛙共鳴‧極致共好—2018 有機包種茶分級評選會」,評鑑結果分為金蛙選、銀蛙選、銅蛙選三級;契作農友總共獲得 2 金、1 銀、7 銅的獎項。

The contracted farmers of Tse-Xin Ching Yuan Tea Factory participated “Singing with Frogs in Perfect Harmony - 2018 Organic Poachong Tea Classified Contest”, co-hosted by Liu-Kung Agriculture Foundation, Taipei, Liu-Kung Irrigation Association, Taipei, Wen-Shan Branch of the Research and Extension Station, COA, Council of agriculture, Agriculture Department, New Taipei City Government, and Ching Yuan Tea Factory. The assessment was classified into Golden Frog award, Silver Frog Award and Bronze Frog Award. The contracted farmers of Tse-Xin Ching Yuan Tea Factory won 2 Gold Frog Awards, 1 Silver Frog Award, and 7 Bronze Frog Awards.



期盼藉由有機茶的分級評鑑制度,讓有機茶的品質和價值獲得公認的肯定,也讓更多人投入有機茶的行列,一起守護純淨水源、美麗的山林與豐富的生機。得獎茶款在 6 月 29 日至 7 月 1 日於行政院農委會農糧署主辦之「2018 夏季安全安心農業精品展銷會」中與大眾見面,讓現場民眾體驗到得獎茶不同的香味、氣蘊與口感,深獲好評。

The Organic Tea Evaluation System shall greatly contribute to winning public recognition, calling people’s attention to the organic tea farming and protecting the source of fresh water, beautiful forest and abundant vital living beings.  The award-winning teas were displayed in the fair of “2018 Summer Safe and Fine Agriculture Products” hosted by Agriculture and Food Agency, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, between June 29-July 1, 2018. The fair visitors had the opportunity of experiencing in person the various flavor, smell and taste of the award-winning teas. All of them returned with favorable comments.


淨源茶參加2018夏季安全安心農業精品展銷會。Ching Yuan Tea Factory joined the fair of 2018 Summer Safe and Fine Agriculture Products.

淨源茶坊舉辦2018新茶發表會。2018 Press conference of New Teas hosted by Ching Yuan Tea Factory.

2018 有機包種茶分級評選會 5 月 30 日由農委會茶葉改良場總場邱垂豐副場長與前場長陳國任博士蒞臨評鑑,評選項目依外觀(20%)、水色(20%)、香氣(30%)、滋味(30%)審慎計分。本次評選會廣邀雙北有機茶農參加,吸引許多關心有機茶發展的貴賓及茶農也到場觀看評鑑。評鑑前,除了繳驗有機農產品驗證證書外,主辦單位也對參選茶樣進行農藥檢測,確保評選茶葉皆為有機茶品。經評鑑獲選的茶品,則依級別分別使用專屬的包裝,以有機茶園的指標—翡翠樹蛙做為標示:三隻蛙—金蛙選;兩隻蛙—銀蛙選;一隻蛙—銅蛙選,並搭配茶罐頂部與正面圖像設計,以色彩做區分,提升產品的品牌價值。

Mr. Chiu Chue-Feng, Deputy Director and Ph.D. Kao-Zhen Chen, ex-Director of Tea Research and Extension Station, COA chaired 2018 Organic Poachong Tea Contest.  The grading criteria included cosmetics of tea (20%), color of water (20%), fragrance (30%) and taste (30%) . All of them were reviewed in full details. The committee invited many organic tea farmers in Taipei and New Taipei cities to join the contest, accordingly attracting many honorable guests and tea farmers who cared about organic tea farming development attended the contest.  On top of all the contestants presenting their organic certificates, the organizer conducted sample testing to make sure all the teas were organic ones. The winners were entitled to using the unique packing -Emerald Green Treefrog.  Golden award uses 3 treefrogs as its icon; silver award 2 treefrogs and, Bronze award 1 treefrog.  Icons printed on the top of tea pots and the front end of packing boxes help to elevate the value of the brand name.​


有機包種茶三種評選等級:金蛙選、銀蛙選、銅蛙選。Three classifications for awarding of organic Paochong tea: Golden Frog Award, Silver Frog Award and Bronze Frog Award.

淨源茶推出三款獲獎的有機包種茶。Three award winning organic Paochong Teas introduced by Ching Yuan Tea Factory.

慈心基金會自 2007 年起推動淨源計畫,於坪林地區輔導茶農有機轉作,迄今已有 2 個有機茶產銷班、近 30 位農友取得有機驗證,也有 23 位取得綠色保育標章。十年來,坪林地區成為有機茶業結合生態環境保育及教育推廣的產業模式新典範。淨源計畫的開啟源自於一顆想要關懷生態環境、守護人類健康的心。期待更多人認同「喝茶護水庫」的理念,共同守護珍貴的自然環境。

Tse-Xin Organic Agriculture Foundation initiated “Ching Yuan Program” in 2007, providing the necessary assistance to the tea farmers in Pin-Ling area to grow organic teas. Up to now, 2 organic tea production & sales units have been established; 30 tea farmers have obtained the organic certificates and 23 tea farmers have been entitled to use “Green Conservation sticker” on their teas. In the past 10 years, Pin-Ling has become a new raw model of successful integration of organic tea, environment protection and education. The rising cause of “Ching Yuan Program” was the mind which cared about ecological environment and health of human beings. We hope the concept of “Protecting Reservoirs by Drinking Organic Teas” can be well received by more and more people who then join us to guard precious asset of mother nature.​

●2018有機包種茶分級評選會現場合照。Group photo of 2018 Organic Paochong Tea Classified Contest.